Buttermilk Pancake Cupcakes with Maple Frosting and Bacon

Buttermilk Pancake Cupcakes with Maple Frosting and Bacon

These AMAZING cupckaes will win everyone over, pancake fan or not.

The frosting is so delicious and with a drizzle of maple syrup on top, you’ll not only enjoy them for desssert…

you’ll be enjoying them for breakfast too!

Buttermilk Pancake Cupcakes with Maple Frosting www.createdby-diane.com

Buttermilk Pancake Cupcakes 

Don’t miss one delicious recipe and get my FREE e-cookbook click here!

Pancakes are a huge favorite of my house.

And the aroma of maple syrup heated is amazing, these cupcakes are simple to make. You will be surprised that even my son has made them and he has NO interest in being in the kitchen other than to lick the bowl and devour sweets!


pancake cupcakes with stacked up mini pancakes and syrup from www.createdby-diane.com


You can decorate the cupcakes simply with some maple frosting, or you can go OVERBOARD

like I did on these, and add a stack of mini pancakes then drizzle some syrup down the stack for a sticky sweet treat.

Now I normally don’t like things so messy, but this is one of those times you have to make an exception!

I sometimes think my kids you have breakfast lunch and dinner if allowed. Well if they could eat them for breakfast lunch and dinner I figured they could eat these for dessert.


Buttermilk Pancake Cupcakes with Maple Frosting www.createdby-diane.com


They came out light and fluffy. It was so tempting to eat one of those warm fluffy pancakes, but I resisted.

After all, what are cupcakes without frosting?

maple bacon cupcakes



Who would have thought that two basic breakfast items would turn into these!


Buttermilk Pancake Cupcakes with Maple Frosting www.createdby-diane.com


I piped on the frosting with a number 846 tip, then drizzled the cupcakes with pancake syrup.

These cupcakes were made for breakfast time, right? One bite and you’ll want one every morning for breakfast.

Breakfast, Dessert whichever, they are really easy, fun and delicious!


Buttermilk Pancake Cupcakes with Maple Frosting www.createdby-diane.com

Pancakes aren’t just for breakfast anymore!


If in fact, you think pancakes are for breakfast,

this one’s for you.


sweet and savory cupcakes Buttermilk Pancake Cupcakes with Maple Frosting www.createdby-diane.com

Since you couldn’t reach out and grab it, I knew the only right thing to do was enjoy it for you, and enjoy it I did!


To give them an extra kick, they are topped with turkey bacon {apparently this is my attempt to save calories LOL} but I have made them plenty of times with crumbled bacon, strips of bacon sticking out and they are always enjoyed by all.

They are one of my son’s friends favorites,

one week he asked if I would make him a batch so he could take a dozen to school with him for lunch to share with his friends.
I knew he was excited to bring them and seemed to BADLY want them…

so I told him I’d watch HIM MAKE THEM, and he did,

he did such a great job, he was so proud of himself.

He bragged to his friends he did it all himself and THEY LOVED the CUPCAKES!


I often use pancake mix to make these up really quick,

but I have also used my favorite easy pancake recipe and they are delicious, I just reduce the milk to 1/4-1/2 cup so that batter isn’t really thin and the cupcakes bake up beautifully!


You can even make mini cupcakes to top the cupcakes off with so you may want to make some extra pancake batter if you want to top the cupcakes with mini pancakes too!


Pancake Cupcakes @createdbydiane

Buttermilk Pancake Cupcakes

Servings: 0


  • 2 cups buttermilk pancake mix
  • 1 cup milk


  • Mix pancake mix and milk together then place 3 tablespoons of batter into each cupcake liner (in a cupcake pan)
  • Bake them at 325° for 13 min.
Maple Frosting
  • 1 1/2 cups butter
  • 2 1/2 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon maple extract
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  1. Beat butter, sugar, extract and milk blend until smooth and creamy.
  2. Place frosting in piping bag and swirl onto cooled cupcakes.
  3. Drizzle maple syrup over frosting and add bacon for an extra special cupcake

Add a tablespoon of dry buttermilk if you like the buttermilk pancake that have a slight tanginess to them.



    1. I’ve used Smart and Final’s pancake mix with these proportions many times and they always came out great.
      I just purchased Krustez pancake mix and I needed 1 1/4 cups milk to get the proper consistency.
      I have made them from scratch with my pancake recipe and will be updating this post after I make them another time. I do often make recipes many times before I post, and at the time I posted this, 1 cup mix and 1 cup milk had great results, it will all depend on the mix and since I’ve made them MANY times but realize there are many varieties of pancake mix, I will adjust the post to reflect a from scratch recipe.

    1. Thanks Amy!
      I think I can just about imagine most items in cupcake form, is there a support group for that yet? LOL!!!

  1. okay so i know rabbit food rocks and all and I’m not interested in animal products but I did want to comment to say that this is WAY creative!! I’m super impressed and like the “chip” aspect of the final product. i just love that you put breakfast in a cupcake. You get a gold star from me! (not that you can redeem that for anything of value at any point in the future..) I love how clean your blog looks too!

    1. Amee you are so sweet! So wish I had made these for campblogaway 🙂 Thanks so much for your LOVELY comment! Hmmm…you never know I’m going to keep that gold star, it’s worth more than you know!

  2. While they are all beautiful and delicious looking, the last one was my favourite! You could have of least waited to see if I was going to show up before you ate it all! LOL

  3. What a nifty idea! Creative and beauty all wrapped up together. Dashing out the door, don’t have time for breakfast? Now you do! Love it!

    P.S. And that last one, of course you had to try it, how else would you be able to let everyone else know how delicious they were. 😉

    ( @downbythehearth )

  4. I think I just died and went to cupcake heaven! Seriously. These look divine! My husband and I have this running joke about how bacon should be on a cupcake (he is obsessed with bacon) and now it’s true and in a fashion that I LIKE! 🙂 I think I’ll surprise him this weekend with a batch of these beauties. Thank you SO much for sharing this recipe – looking forward to more!

  5. Wow! These sound amazing. You are super creative to have thought to use the pancake mix this way. I could eat pancakes any time too:) These too!

  6. Diane, these are such a fun idea for cupcakes! Now if only I could have them every morning for breakfast.

    1. it was easy pancakes and syrup 🙂
      You are so full of ideas! It’s funny you would ask such a silly thing. They were such a hit, will be making them with my favorite pancake recipe and hopefully they will rise just as high!

  7. My spouse just told me about a bacon birthday party at his work next week. These immediately came to mind. 🙂 Thank you for the clever and delicious recipe Diane!

  8. yum… I would love to try these with Fresh and Easy Meyer Lemon Pancake mix. I will let you know know they turn out. Possibly a lemon glaze for the frosting.

    1. It made 12 cupcakes.
      You can double it or make mini cupcakes with it also.
      Happy Baking 🙂

  9. Oh man I seen these and just had to try it. Your frosting is amazing and these taste great! My husband just loved them!

  10. Hi Dianne, Love the idea of ‘pancake + maple’! I’ve tried baking ‘banana pancake’ cupcakes using pancake mix too and the cake were stuck to the liners! Anyone else had the same problem?
    Nevertheless, you’ve just inspired me to try baking these ones 🙂 thank you.

    1. If you buy Glassine Cupcake Liners cake sticks less to them, they are a little coated, paper liners often stick 🙁 I have good luck with foil liners too. You can lightly spray paper liners, and after they are baked, place them in another paper liner so they don’t look so greasy. Also you can bake them in the cupcake pan sprayed with non stick Baking spray,that type has flour in it and is less greasy and then place them in liners after baking.

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