Low Carb Holiday Recipes

With the holidays closely approaching I thought I’d share with you some low carb recipes you might enjoy.

turn your holiday favorites low-carb MASHED potato option createdbydiane.com 

LOW CARB HOLIDAY RECIPES createdbydiane.com


It can be challenging to stick to low-carb eating if you’re surrounded by lots of tempting options.

So… have a plan. Having a plan is the best line of defense.

If you’re cooking the meal, you’ll have control over what is being served.
It’s not to say you can’t have any carbs, CHOOSE for yourself.
If you’re going to eat at someone else’s, offer to bring a low-carb side dish, that way you know you can enjoy at the very least the turkey, the side dish, and some vegetables.

Maybe offer to make a nice fall-flavored salad topped with a great cheese like Brie or goat cheese, and some nuts like almonds or pecans… you get the idea, with a little effort and you won’t be as stressed if you have some delicious options to eat.

Another tip is to eat something before you go… this advice goes for any time you go out (out to eat, a party, shopping, or similar) eat something so you’re not hungry, you don’t have to eat a lot, but anything will help so you don’t feel like you’ll want to chew your arm off by the time your next meal/food is served. If you aren’t really hungry you may not feel compelled to fill your plate, to shovel in foods you might normally be able to resist. You’ll be able to enjoy a smaller meal. Savor every bite, and not feel like you’re overindulged and then be upset that you don’t feel good.

When it comes to dessert… sometimes the hardest thing to walk by…
just have a slice of pie, enjoy it, and know you’re doing great. Now if you eat 3 slices of pie, you may want to take a walk… a long walk to work off all those calories. But no matter if you indulge a little or a lot,

enjoy the people you are with if far more important than what you’re watching go on your plate for one day (or one holiday season) and make the best choices you can with what’s in front of you. Avoid overeating. Eat sensibly. You don’t have to eat until you are full, because, by the time you realize it, you’ve overeaten. Drink plenty of water.

If cocktails are hard to resist, dilute down the sugar-heavy cocktails with seltzer… adding some plain bubbly to your drinks allows you to enjoy without the guilt. I enjoy a faux cranberry margarita… fresh lime juice, and seltzer, with a shot of cranberry juice and tequila! It’s my favorite holiday cocktail!

Check out my Low Carb guide and ebook here!

thanksgiving message from createdbydiane.com

It’s ONE DAY >>>
get back on track the next day and keep motivated to do your best!

I’m sharing lots of recipes, some are not low carb, but lower than a lot of other similar recipes.

One main item around the holidays be it Thanksgiving or Christmas seems to be TURKEY:



low carb holiday recipe

Cranberry Brussels Sprouts

A fun side dish is this cold, raw sweet potato noodle dish.

Gravy you can make it a day or so ahead to reduce the last-minute rush!

Instant Pot Ham

Other side dish options


easy cream Cauliflower Mac and Cheese Recipe www.createdbydiane.com

A great side dish for Turkey or Ham is this low carb Mac and Cheese version made with cauliflower!


Don’t miss:

Best tips for DRIVING with food, perfect for traveling for the holidays

Holiday checklist printable (stay organized)


Don’t forget:


2) 30-page Low-Carb Ebook



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