Mango Pecan Muffins with Mango Icing

Mango Pecan Muffins with Mango Icing

These aren’t just any muffins, no these are Mother’s Day Muffins…actually they are Mango Mother’s Day Muffins.

Ok say that five times fast!

I made some muffins so that on Mother’s Day morning I know I will be waking up to a real treat!

Do you do the same thing? Do you plan out your own fun, I do.

I’ll be bringing some of these beauties to my mom as well.

*Select a mango: Do not focus on the outside color of a mango, that isn’t’ a reliable indicator of ripeness. A mango will give slightly when pressed that is how to tell if it’s ripe. (same technique as selecting a peach or avocado) Here are instructions on how to slice a mango

Mango Pecan Muffins with Mango Icing

Servings: 0


  • 2 cups flour
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup butter melted
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 mango diced about 1 cup
  • 1/2 cup diced pecans


  • Preheat oven to 500 degrees
  • Mix flour, sugar, salt and baking powder in large bowl.
  • Place mango pieces into the flour mixture to coat them so they don't sink in muffin when baked.
  • Add nuts to flour mixture.
  • In separate bowl beat milk, butter, and eggs until fluffy.
  • Mix wet ingredients with dry ingredients with a fork, just until blended. Do not over mix.
  • Place 3 tablespoons in each cupcake liner. Place a whole pecan on each muffin.
  • Reduce oven temperature to 400 degrees.
  • Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until toothpick comes out clean.
  • *starting with a HOT oven will help the muffins rise higher.
  • *recipe adapted from King Arthur Flour's Basic Muffins Recipe
  • *Mango Icing:
  • one-cup powdered sugar
  • two-tablespoons water
  • one-tablespoon corn syrup
  • six-drops Loranns Mango Oil
  • one drop egg yellow Americolor Coloring
  • four-drops white Americolor Coloring
  • Mix all ingredients until smooth then pipe onto cooled muffins.


Starting with the oven at a high temperature allowed the muffing to rise up nice and high.

I used Paper Chef Cupcake liners and WOW they really don’t stick at all. Very nice!


Some I left without icing while others….

got a fun drizzle of Mango Icing.


Happy Mother’s Day! I hope your day if filled with loving arms wrapped around you. 


*I received Mangos from and added information from their website.

*I received Cupcake Liners from Paper Chef

All opinions are my own. I was glad to receive these products but in no way was I obligated to write about them.


  1. Great minds Diane, I used mango in my mothers day treat too. These look sooooo good! Happy Mothers day 🙂

  2. how did you know that mangoes are my favorite?! thank you so much for a such a unique cupcake recipe! and also thanks for the “how to cut a mango” i will have to look in to that because I never cut mine down the middle like that. and furthermore, thank you for the tips on how to get the ripest mango. maybe thats why it is so hard for me to choose one because I like to grab one that is mostly red and also a little soft when you press into it. if your a mommy get off the computer and go tell your kids to make more of these for you! haha!

  3. These are so creative, I love muffins and I’m always looking for inspiration to help me think outside the box, thanks!

  4. I want to be your neighbor. Let me know when that house next to you opens up and I’ll buy it as a vacation house. And then vacation for the rest of my life.

    1. LOL, Krista you are so sweet! Well the house across the street was for sale, but not any longer 🙁 I’ll keep my eye’s open for one!!!! Imagine all the fun we would have.

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