Mocha Strawberry Yogurt Smoothie

Mocha Strawberry Yogurt Smoothie

Mocha Strawberry Yogurt Smoothie @createdbydiane

It may not come as a shock to you that I’d rather stay up late than wake up early, I’m sure I’ve mentioned it a time or two before.

But I’m rarely late, I like to be just on time. I’m sure I could be early, but that would require better planning things out. I’m pretty sure I need some more practice at that one though. I have my morning routine down pretty good, it’s a little rushed, the best part is chatting with the kids on the way to drop them off at school.

I feel like I get some really good one on one time with each of them and it’s uninterrupted so getting their undivided attention is nice, and yes the teen years are proving to be a little challenging when it comes to them wanting to listen. We get in the car the radio is usually on and I just love when they each tell me their favorite song is playing. The best part is when they hear a song they haven’t heard in a while and remember how that song used to be their favorite.

Typically when I get back from the drop offs, I take our dog, Charlie, outside and play with him. If you follow me on Instagram, You’ve most likely seen Charlie. Then I either have hair appointments or I begin blogging, baking, cooking or planning out my next recipe. OK, I may go on Pinterest on Facebook, but I try really hard not to get distracted on those sites for too long.

You’ve heard it before, the best part of waking up….is Folgers in your cup.

I’m sure you are singing it along with the jingle.


Mocha Strawberry Yogurt Smoothie

If you are hurrying around in the morning and cutting it a bit close, here is a quick and easy smoothie you can make in a minute.

Mocha Strawberry Yogurt Smoothie

Servings: 0


  • 1 cup greek yogurt
  • 4 strawberries sliced
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  • 1 tablespoon chocolate syrup
  • 1 teaspoon Folgers Instant Coffee
  • 1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract


  • Place all items in blender and mix until smooth.

Folgers jingle morning Smoothie Mocha Strawberry @createdbydiane


What is your favorite party of your morning routine?
Do you rush a bit, rush a lot, take it slow?
Are you a morning person or do you prefer to stay up late?

Tell me all about you today….you already read a bunch about me 🙂


I was compensated for this post as always all opinions are my own.
mocha strawberry smoothie @createdbydiane


  1. Hi Diane: How have you been? I’m with you about stayin’ up late, but I do like waking up early too. In fact, if I didn’t have to sleep – I wouldn’t. 😀 Luv this healthful, yet picker-up mocha strawberry smoothie. What a great idea adding the coffee!

  2. Uhmm – I have to try this one. Just bought the chocolate syrup today 🙂 We are having a wonderful weather here in Denmark these days, so I can only dream of sitting outside with this smoothie 🙂

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