Easy raspberry lemonade
It’s so HOT!
107 degrees for the past three days
all I keep thinking about is this
raspberry lemonade

Nothing better than a refreshing drink on a hot day!
This raspberry lemonade is cool and refreshing and so easy to make.
I made 2 gallons of lemonade from lemons, you can use a mix if you don’t have a TON of lemons. My mom has a couple lemon trees so I often have buckets full of lemons.
But I always suggest adding a real squeezed lemon or two to give it some really fresh flavor if you are using a mix.
hmmm… Raspberry flavor.
You have options.
what to add so it doesn’t have that taste…
you know, that MEDICINE taste, the syrups that are bottled for flavorings have an odd medicine taste…
Fresh Raspberries work really well, you’ll need at least 2 cups.
Heat them up with a couple tablespoons of sugar to get all the yummy flavor to come out of the raspberries. You can press the mixture through a strainer to remove the seeds, it’s ok if a few pieces of raspberry get into the drink, just not the seeds…
Press the mixture through a strainer to remove the seeds, it’s ok if a few pieces of raspberry get into the drink, just not the seeds…
they can be annoying in a drink.
Alternatives to fresh raspberries are frozen or raspberry pie filling will work well if you don’t have fresh or frozen, just strain in before adding it in.
Try not to use items with artificial raspberry flavor.
Raspberry Lemonade
Turn this great drink into something even more special…it was great with wine added to it also, vodka would be a nice touch too 🙂
it was great with wine added to it, and of course, it’s great with vodka or tequila.
That looks so good! And very refreshing. It's been hot here too, my house is cold right now though, I have a sweatshirt on 🙂
Genius! I am officially a stalker of this blog 🙂
If you ever get down to San Diego…We just found a great place to eat in the Gas Lamp District-Little Italy
Fillipis Pizza Grotto…you stand in line in this tiny meat market to sit in the restaurant in back. When we went the line was out the door.The Lasagna is to die for!
Great idea to use the pie filling!
Wow..107! That is hot. Good thing you had this refreshing drink. Sounds so good. It is hot on the east coast too…in the 90's for several days so far.
You give us all the perfect remedy for all these heat waves and record high temperatures. What a fabulous raspberry lemonade recipe! I liked it so much that I forwarded it to several friends. Just reading your description not only makes me crave lemonade but it strikes up nostalgic memories of many summers ago when my grandmother got all of us kids together to roll and pound the lemons to make the lemons juicier just before she made fresh lemonade. I also like your recommendations regarding the use of fresh lemons in lemonade. Fresh lemons have such a distinctive fragrance that bottled juice just doesn't match. Plus fresh lemons have all those healthy live enzymes. As Betty Wrenn Day likes to say, "The lemon is the quintessential fruit that makes food sparkle. It has become synonymous with the word refreshing."
Where I live we don't have easy access to fresh lemons, so what I do is just go online (https://www.buy-lemons-online.com/ ) and order from growers that pick them right off the trees and ship them direct — a tip I learned from my cousin in Montana. This way I get fresh lemons picked from the tree without all the time with the lemons sitting in cartons, trucks and warehouses as they they are shipped from growers to markets all over the country.
Newbury Park, CA
Pie filling is a great shortcut! I love strawberry lemonade, but have never tried raspberry. It looks so pretty and refreshing!
Mmm, this does look refreshing! Yum!
Do you think it would work to use Sweet Meyer Lemons in your raspberry lemonade recipe? Has anyone tried it? If so, I would love to hear your comments.