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Potato Pancakes

These crispy potato pancakes are a perfect meal on their own or serve alongside chicken or beef. They are great served with sour cream, apple sauce, mustard, grape jelly, ranch, or ketchup.
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time6 minutes
Total Time16 minutes
Course: Main Dish, Potato, Side Dish
Cuisine: American, German, Jewish, Polish
Servings: 6 servings


  • 5-6 medium potatoes washed, no need to peel unless you want to
  • ½ white onion
  • ½-1 cup all-purpose flour add additional flour as needed if potatoes are wet after the mixture is mixed
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • ½-1 teaspoon salt
  • ¼-½ teaspoon black pepper
  • Additional seasonings if desired paprika hot sauce,
  • Enough oil canola vegetable, or avocado oil for 1/4 “ thick in a frying pan (add oil as needed)


  • In a food processor with the grating attachment added, grate the potatoes and then add in the onion. If you want the potato pieces smaller you can cut the potatoes before you put them in the food processor.
  • Place the potatoes into a cloth thin dish towel, like a potato sack towel, and wring out the liquid until fairly dry.
  • In a medium bowl mix the grated potato and onion.
  • Add 3 eggs, flour, garlic powder, salt, pepper, and any additional seasons desired.
  • Mix all ingredients together well with a fork or spatula.
  • In the skillet with heated oil 350-375° scoop 3 tablespoons of mixture and pat down into a disk shape, fry until crisp on one side then flip over carefully to cook fully. You can add a lid or spatter screen. The internal temperature of cooked potatoes at 165°.
  • Adding a lid allows the temperature of the oil to keep at a nice temperature, regulate it with the temperature control and it will help reduce splatters or use a splatter screen.
  • Fry in batches for about 3 minutes on each side, until golden brown.
  • Until all the mixture is cooked.
  • Draining each batch on paper towels.
  • Add any additional salt if desired.
  • Serve with sour cream and diced green onions, applesauce, mustard, grape jelly, or your favorite dipping sauce like ranch or ketchup.


To help keep the potatoes with as little moisture as possible, I have found that if I place the mixture in a colander in a bowl as I'm portioning it into the pan, it still releases liquid.
Add additional flour if needed so it's sticky by not wet, it'll help with a crispier potato and won't spatter as much either.